Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Hi everyone
Today I’m going to tell you about the recycling, I think it’s really beautiful to try to recycle, but usually we’re too lazy to do something like that, I include in this. But if you know more about this topic, maybe you do something to help our planet.
Exist 3R, that are Reuse (to use an item again after it has been used), Reduce (reduce the size of the things that you dump) and Recycle (is a process to change materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials) all of this are part of the process to recycle, but I think that I really don’t know too much about this topic and I think that in the college or in our houses we need more information, because all live in this planet and is our mission take care of it.

I’m sincere I don’t do a lot of things for the planet but I think that we need more information, more education about this topic, because nobody says to you where are the factory that recycles. 

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